Music Putty Review 

Music Putty reviewed our EP with a comparison to The National because we're OCD, and describes it as "a Coke and Mentos explosion of sound... Every note tells a story and every letter was put there for a reason." Read the full review of WHERE ARE YOU here.

The Bay Bridged Review of WHERE ARE YOU 

The Bay Bridged review of WHERE ARE YOU says: 

"Quietly captivating, subtly gripping, delicately engrossing ... Listen closely and you can pick out some shoegaze, a dash of psychedelia, traces of Sonic Youth angst (especially on 'Concrete' with its pained, questioning refrain) and melodic sensibilities worthy of the Pixies. The instrumental 'Crows Came and Spoke of New Beginnings' even touches on hard rock as the slow burn of subdued guitars and restrained drums gradually devolves into ripping chords, crashing cymbals and haunting vocal wails... Fans of minimalist indie rock that can still pack a punch won't want to miss out."